Addiction Protocol
Traditional Chinese acupuncture has been practiced for thousands of years to relieve pain, release muscle spasm, diagnose the causes of and treat physical, emotional and mental illness and to recreate homeostasis of our vital energy (QI). Today there appears to be a new hope for relief for those who suffer from addictions to substances harmful to their mental and physical health.
The first acupuncture detoxification program for substance abuse was open in the United States in 1974 in Lincoln Hospital, New York, developed by Dr. Michael Smith.
Acupuncture is an effective therapy in the control of many addictions including alcohol, hard drugs, nicotine and over eating. Acupuncture works equally well for people addicted to cocaine, crack, heroin, barbiturates and amphetamines.
Addictions are too often seen as purely chemical compulsions that need to be neutralized. The intense and frequent abuse of chemical substances affect the function of and compromises internal organs and emotional stability.
Some modalities, like nutritional therapy, works synergistically with acupuncture treatment of addiction. An example of this is the use of calcium magnesium during withdrawal to help ease and counteract convulsions, muscular spasms and severe nervous reaction experienced by an addict when coming off drugs.
Calcium magnesium has been reported effective during withdrawal in heroin and methadone cases. Methadone attacks bone marrow and bones. It is common to encounter severe depletion of calcium and magnesium in methadone users, which is characterized by severe pain in joints and bones along with teeth and hair problems. Getting calcium and magnesium into the system helps to relieve this condition.
Hallandale Health can assist you or someone you know with addiction issues.